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Saturday 18 April 2009

“CINNAMON & SIN” (Title Poem)

I am Cinnamon…
As sweet as you like
I am Cinnamon…
Learning to shape a new life
I am Cinnamon…
Sharing my words as I flow
I am Cinnamon…
On you I hope to grow.

I am Cinnamon…
Sensuality and seduction in fun
I am Cinnamon…
Beauty and brains wrapped up in one
I am Cinnamon…
Will you come to me?
I am Cinnamon…
Let love set you free.

I am Sin…
Dark dreams of which you don’t speak
I am Sin…
Hidden deep within… your secret freak
I am Sin…
The things you don’t ever ask others about
I am Sin…
Something you wish you could do without.

I am Sin…
The dirty thought you hold back
I am Sin…
The need you have to attack
I am Sin…
The act you wish you didn’t want to do
I am Sin…
Your dark side trying to break through.

Cinnamon and Sin…
We suffer for art and in love welcome you in
Cinnamon and Sin…
Where the wickedness of evil can either lose or it can win
Cinnamon and Sin…
A playground of sighs where heated passions rise
Cinnamon and Sin…
Devoid of positivity, a world enveloped and surrounded by lies.

Cinnamon and Sin…
Where greatness and innovation thrive
Cinnamon and Sin…
When husbands cheat on loyal, faithful wives
Cinnamon and Sin…
Where children can run, play and are safe
Cinnamon and Sin…
When already broken individuals, lonely for attention, cry rape.

Cinnamon and Sin…
Where cultures clash and collide
Cinnamon and Sin…
Religion and politics create a world divide
Cinnamon and Sin…
A fear of walking alone in the street
Cinnamon and Sin…
Another night of credit crunch sheep losing sleep.

Cinnamon and Sin…
Holding out a helping hand
Cinnamon and Sin…
Playing with loved ones in the sunny sand
Cinnamon and Sin…
Found in everyone, just like you and me
Cinnamon in Sin…
We are all… All are we.

© 30th July 2008 – 10:45am Written by Angela Edgar
All Rights Reserved. Unauthorised Reproduction Prohibited

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